
How is Technology Playing a Role in Expanding the Access to Education?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that primary education should be free and compulsory, at least in elementary and fundamental stages. It also defines education's role as - ‘Promoting the full development of human personality, strengthening respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and promoting understanding, tolerance, and friendship with all.

How are Teacher-Friendly Resources Revolutionising Rural Education?

Have you ever wondered how much time teachers spend on non-teaching related tasks? Well, for most of us the answer would be no. It is not the first thought when imagining a teacher. We have an image of them standing in front of a class, teaching new concepts and actively involved in solving questions. However, the reality is quite contrary.

How Sampark is Building Sustainable Education Models that Empower Schools

According to the United Nations, education is a crucial determining factor that can lead to sustainable development in various fields. When children receive quality education, they break the ceilings of unfit living conditions and poverty, and society progresses overall. Hence, sustainable education models are of extreme importance.

Top 3 Creative Ways Sampark is Changing Rural Schooling in India

In India, almost 65% of the population lives in rural areas. This statistic shows how a large portion of the country lives outside the radius of modern education centres, including millions of children of schooling age. Rural areas are remote and underdeveloped compared to metro cities. The lack of appropriate infrastructure makes it harder for children to get the best education. This can have a significant impact on their learning abilities and slow them down in getting the best opportunities.