How is Technology Playing a Role in Expanding the Access to Education?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that primary education should be free and compulsory, at least in elementary and fundamental stages. It also defines education's role as - ‘Promoting the full development of human personality, strengthening respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and promoting understanding, tolerance, and friendship with all.

However, even after world leaders pledged to make education free, equitable, and high-quality for all children by 2030, primary education completion rates only grew by three per cent between 2015-2023. This could be due to various reasons, such as inadequate resources, insufficient economic strength, and absence of community support, to name a few. 

In a country like India, where the population is huge, spread across many remote locations, and lives in big economic divides, the solutions need to be flexible enough to cater to diverse needs. To bridge these gaps, technology has become a ray of hope as well as the need of the hour. With its capability to reach every part of the nation and provide assistance with teaching, learning, and assessment, it can be a scalable and inclusive way to tackle the challenges. 

With a similar thought, we embraced the tech-innovation approach that could impart quality education in rural India with our six innovations and teacher training programs, from audio-visual mediums like Sampark Smartshala App, Teach-easy kits and Sampark TV that aid in lesson planning and classroom engagement to Sampark Didi ke Sawaal which makes assessment stress-free for students at less than $1 per child per year. 


The Transformation of Educational Accessibility with our Innovations

Scalability and easy implementation were the prime focus in crafting our learning tools and support. Our mission with collaboration of state governments has reached eight states (Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, and Chhattisgarh). It has impacted 1.5 crore rural children, 6 lakh teachers, and 1.2 lakh schools. This was reflected in metrics like attendance rate. Schools that used Sampark's tech-easy pedagogy saw a 16% rise in children's attendance. A 4.6/5 program acceptance rate was also observed as the academic scores rose 32%. 

The Ripples of Change Continue Throughout Academic Life 

The role of technology in education also increases the chances of children excelling at higher education. Digital technology is the medium utilised the most in the higher education subsector. Familiarisation with technology is important in ensuring that the future generation reaches its full potential and progress. 

Technological Advancement Needs Us to be the Driving Force 

Various areas have differing needs that need to be addressed at the grassroots level. These circumstances require support like volunteers to take charge and work hand in hand with the members of the community to effectively implement our methodology and bring about qualitative change. You can be one of those individuals and make a difference that can echo through the stories of students who require this expansion of education the most. Reach out to us today and become a SPARK today!

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